Phillip Vannini is Canada Research Chair in Innovative Learning and Public Ethnography and Professor in the School of Communication & Culture at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC, Canada.
He is author/editor of nine books, including Body/Embodiment: Symbolic Interactionism and the Sociology of the Body (edited with Dennis Waskul, Ashgate, 2006), Understanding Society Through Popular Music (authored with Joseph Kotarba, Routledge, 2008), Authenticity in Culture, Self, and Society (edited with J. Patrick Williams, Ashgate, 2009), Material Culture and Technology in Everyday Life: Ethnographic Approaches (Peter Lang, 2009), The Cultures of Alternative Mobilities: Routes Less Travelled (Ashgate, 2009), Popularizing Research: Engaging New Media, Genres, and Audiences (Peter Lang, forthcoming), and The Senses in Self, Society, and Culture: A Sociology of the Senses (authored with Dennis Waskul and Simon Gottschalk, Routledge, forthcoming).
He is also author of over sixty articles and book chapters, which have appeared or are forthcoming in such journals as Space & Culture, Cultural Geographies, Social & Cultural Geography, Journal of Transport Geography, Environment & Planning D, Time & Society, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Symbolic Interaction, The Senses and Society, Social Psychology Quarterly, Canadian Journal of Communication, Qualitative Inquiry and more.