Body Image and Self Esteem
- Pigtail Pals & Ballcap Buddies Blog: https://pigtailpalsblog.com
- True Body Project: https://truebodyproject.org
- A Beautiful Body Project: https://www.abeautifulbodyproject.org
- Adios Barbie: https://www.adiosbarbie.com
- Body Image Health: https://bodyimagehealth.org
- Kids Health: https://kidshealth.org
- Free Your Pits: https://www.freeyourpits.com
Media Literacy
- Media Smarts: https://mediasmarts.ca
- Shaping Youth: https://www.shapingyouth.org
- Project Look Sharp: https://www.projectlooksharp.org
- Media Education Foundation: https://www.mediaed.org
- Campaign for Commercial Free Childhood: https://www.commercialfreechildhood.org
Gender Literacy
- True Child: https://www.truechild.org
- The Representation Project: https://therepresentationproject.org
- The Youth & Gender Media Project: https://youthandgendermediaproject.org
- Gender Spectrum: https://www.genderspectrum.org
- Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media: https://seejane.org
- The Feminist Wire: https://www.thefeministwire.com
- Spark Movement: https://www.sparksummit.com
- Pink Stinks: https://www.pinkstinks.org.uk
- The Achilles Effect: https://www.achilleseffect.com
- Jackson Katz (anti-sexist activist and masculinity expert): https://www.jacksonkatz.com
- Gay Alliance Education: https://www.gayalliance.org/programs/education-safezone
- It Gets Better Project: https://www.itgetsbetter.org
Wellness Strategies
- Alliance for a Healthier Generation: https://www.healthiergeneration.org
- Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity: https://www.uconnruddcenter.org
Bullying Prevention
- Preventing Bullying and Cyberbullying – A Guide for Students, Educators and School Administrators: https://tobecomeateacher.org/preventing-bullying-cyber-bullying/
- Stop Bullying: https://www.stopbullying.gov
- National Bullying Prevention Center: https://www.pacer.org/bullying
- Cyberbullying Research Center: https://cyberbullying.us
This material is an accompaniment to Schooled on Fat.